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Thursday, November 21, 2013

11 Reasons to Sell During the Holidays

Welcome back to my video blog! The other day someone asked me whether it’s a good time to sell during the holidays. I was so excited to get this question because I have 11 reasons why you should sell now.
  1. Buyers are more serious - If buyers are taking the time out of the craziness of the holidays, they are serious about finding and purchasing a home. 
  2. There is less competition - There are fewer homes on the market.
  3. Fewer homes on the market means a better price for you. 
  4. Houses show better - Who doesn’t love seeing lights, decorations and the smell of cooking and candles? 
  5. Buyers are more emotional during the holidays.
  6. Buyers have more time off during the holiday season to view homes. 
  7. A lot of buyers need to purchase before the end of the year. 
  8. Relocation buyers need to buy now before their jobs start in the spring.
  9. You can restrict showings - You may be worried that showings will ruin your holiday plans, but we can restrict when buyers come look at your home. 
  10. You can delay your closing - I understand you don’t want to pack up and move during the holidays. You can sell now and stay until after the holidays.
  11. If you sell now, you can be a non-contingent buyer - What does that mean? You can sell your home for a higher price now and buy for a lower price.
So don’t wait to sell your home, give me a call now and we can get started! Thanks so much for watching!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Programs for First Time Homebuyers

Welcome back to my video blog! Thanks for joining me!

Today I wanted to reach out to all of you considering buying a home for the first time. There are so many programs out there that you can benefit from.

Have you been thinking about buying but aren’t sure you can swing the payments? There are programs that allow you to put as little as .05%-0% down!

Other programs give you grants. FHA has special loans for first time homebuyers. These are just a couple of the many programs available to you.

If you are interested in finding out more, please give me a call. We’d love to get you connected with one of our trusted lenders to get you prequalified. Give us a call so we can help you find your dream home.

Thanks for watching!